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  • 06 December 2020 09:26:12
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What if I have a kidney stone?

We asked questions to the doctor Nephrologist.

Are kidney stones common? And why are they formed there?

- 5-10% of the adult population have kidney stones. The most interesting thing is that this indicator also strongly depends on the place of residence. For example, in regions such as Siberia, the Urals, the Crimea and the Caucasus, urolithiasis is more common. This is primarily associated with the mineral composition of the water in the regions. Therefore, it is so important to put filters on drinking water that soften the water.

And another interesting fact is that in men this disease occurs almost twice as often as in women.

And one more fact, if you already have or have had a stone, then the probability of the formation of a second stone is more than 50-70%. Most likely, you have some kind of metabolic processes in the body. And for correction, you need a correction and lifestyle and nutrition.

And if you have a close relative who had kidney stones, then the likelihood of their formation increases by 30%. Unfortunately, genetics cannot be put anywhere.

If you have endocrine disorders, your risk of stone formation is also higher than that of a healthy person.

With the regions, everything is clear. It was found that in these regions, an increased content of salts and minerals prevails in water and soil. It is they who are deposited in our organs. But with the correct regime of drinking and nutrition, the risk of this disease tends to zero. Well, more on that later.

But still, the main factor in the formation of kidney stones is metabolic disorders.

I know that there are three main types of kidney stones: phosphate, oxalate, and urate.

-Yes that's right, the most common are oxalate kidney stones. They are formed when there is an excess of oxalic acid in the body. And it is found in tomatoes, sorrel, eggplant, beer, chocolate and many other products.

With a low calcium level or in the presence of poor utilization of fat, for example, with colitis, Crohn's disease, oxalic acid is not excreted, but is deposited in the kidneys.

In modern diets, virtually all prepared foods contain the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate. It is he who is responsible for the formation of sediment in the form of oxalates, even in healthy people. Therefore, it is better to avoid flavors and add the usual seasonings in the form of dry herbs.

Frequent inflammatory diseases can also act as a catalyst for the formation of kidney stones.

And even frequent consumption of soda can lead to the formation of stones.

Also, a lack of certain vitamins can provoke the formation of kidney stones. For example a lack of vitamin B6, vitamin A and vitamin D3.

And how can you find out that there are kidney stones without going to the doctor? Are there any symptoms?

-Most often, you can find out that you have kidney stones by going to the ultrasound. And nothing seemed to bother you before.

Sometimes a routine blood test can indicate a kidney problem, where an experienced doctor will see a decrease in glomerular filtration. This is a decrease in the functional ability of the kidneys. Kidneys rarely hurt, more often all processes occur "QUIET".

But some of you are destined to experience renal colic and all its delights. Renal colic is a sudden onset of severe lower back pain.

How to distinguish renal colic from back pain, spine?

-Yes, some people confuse this pain with back pain. They drink painkillers, and then it is difficult for the doctor to find out the true cause of the pain.

The difference is that with back pain, it is highly dependent on body position and movement. For example, it is aggravated by raising the leg while lying on the back, by an awkward turn, etc.

But renal colic practically does not depend on the position of the body.

Sometimes the pain is so intense that nausea and even vomiting join. What does not happen with osteochondrosis.

Frequent urge to urinate and cutting pain when trying to urinate are sometimes added.

And what is the threat? What is the danger of kidney stones? And should they be deleted?

Sometimes with acute renal colic, an acute and dangerous condition develops - a violation of the outflow of urine. If the ureter is damaged by a stone, blood may be found in the urine.

All this manifests itself when the stone clogs the narrow places of the ureter.

The stone chronically interferes with the partial flow of urine, which can cause inflammation. The worst thing this can lead to is necrosis and kidney loss. Without the urgent help needed, even to death.

To delete or not is a rhetorical question) It seems that nothing bothers you yet, you can do nothing, but you should be aware that over the years, as the stone grows, the functional ability of the kidney is impaired. In addition, you carry a time bomb within you. And the smaller the stone, the easier it is to get rid of it.

Therefore, I recommend visiting a urologist or nephrologist if a stone is found on your ultrasound scan.

How to get rid of kidney stones?

There are many methods for removing stones now. But perhaps the most important question is how to prevent the formation of new stones. We will talk about this a little further.

Previously, stones were removed only by surgery. The man had

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