Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine diseases of the thyroid gland. According to WHO, it ranks second in the world after diabetes mellitus.
The disease is caused by a persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones or a decrease in their biological effect at the tissue level.
And the popular treatment prescribed by doctors T4-theropy, quite often does not have the proper effect and then patients are forced to look for other alternative treatments.
How can hypothyroidism patients improve if T4 therapy is ineffective?
Joint pain can make your life worse, up to total disability. When our joints hurt, we instinctively avoid pain and limit our movements. Muscles come in tone and thereby increase the load on the joint. Here is such a vicious circle.
You can’t even imagine how everything is interconnected in the body. As soon as you limit your movements due to pain, overweight, hypertension, cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, heart disease join the diseases of the joints and the line of no return has already been passed. From a healthy person you have become a patient. It all started with a pain in the knee ....
Колоссальная роль витамина B12 для человека.
Он играет важнейшую роль в организме. Без него невозможно само существование человека. Например, при проблемах усвоения витамина В12 поражается нервная система, нарушается кроветворение, нарастает поражение нервной системы в виде парезов и в конечном итоге человека парализует и он умирает....
Кто в зоне риска?
Как выбрать самый правильный витамин В12?
More→Многие из вас даже не подозревают, что огромное количество заболеваний можно было бы предотвратить, знай вы эту информацию!
Вы слышали о коферменте Q10? А Вы знали, что коэнзим Q10 по данным 50-ти летних исследований превосходит все остальные известные миру антиоксиданты?
Он по праву считается самым перспективным жирорастворимым веществом для активной профилактики и лечении многих заболеваний, которые связаны с окислительным стрессом и повреждением свободными радикалами, а это ведущий фактор старения любой клетки нашего тела....
More→Yesterday, watching TV, I was dumbfounded. Really, on the central channels, doctors started talking about the rehabilitation of many products that have been in "disgrace" for decades. A dozen years later, mainstream medicine has recognized their benefits as the healthiest food for longevity.
If you are a young man, then most likely you do not think about how to maintain your sanity in old age and health. Perhaps it seems so distant to you. And what if I tell you that it is at a young age that the foundation for a conscious and reasonable old age is laid. It's never too late to start, though!
For a long time, we were advised to start breakfast with porridge, eat a lot of fruits, cook in vegetable oil and limit fatty and meat. This led to an explosive growth in type 2 diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity, fatty liver disease, autoimmune diseases, early onset of Alzheimer's, malignant diseases and a total decrease in immunity, an increase in inflammatory diseases.
What if I have a kidney stone?
We asked questions to the doctor Nephrologist.
Are kidney stones common? And why are they formed there?
- 5-10% of the adult population have kidney stones. The most interesting thing is that this indicator also strongly depends on the place of residence. For example, in regions such as Siberia, the Urals, the Crimea and the Caucasus, urolithiasis is more common. This is primarily associated with the mineral composition of the water in the regions. Therefore, it is so important to put filters on the drinking water that soften the water.
If your coronavirus is mild or moderate, you will be advised to be treated at home. Although there is no specific treatment at the moment, there is one treatment that will definitely help you recover faster.
And so we understand carefully ...
More→The Lingzhi mushroom or Ganoderma in China is called the Immortality mushroom. Let us consider this mushroom, only from a scientific point of view and evidence-based medicine.
In Japan, this mushroom is called Reishi, and in Korea, Yenji. And his other name is the varnished tinder and the Ganoderma mushroom. It is available in the form of capsules, where it is very convenient, the dosage has already been selected. And also there is in the form of chopped whole mushroom plates. Then you are required to strictly brew and insist such tea according to instructions.
And so, what is the uniqueness and usefulness of this Lingzhi mushroom?
More→Autophagy, or how to live longer.
Maybe you heard about the benefits of fasting? Let us now consider the most frequent questions about autophagy and why it was awarded the Nobel Prize.
- Autophagy or for what the Nobel Prize has been received.
- All the benefits of short-term fasting.
- Harm of starvation.
- Interval fasting, how to do it.
- This is contraindicated fasting.
Elevated blood sugar, diabetes? How to avoid diabetes correctly. Novelties of medicine.
Have you found sugar above 5.5 on an empty stomach? Or do you have a close relative who has diabetes? Or do you have excess weight and high blood pressure? This article is specially for you, stop and prevent a formidable disease!
We will not write one more hundred of articles with all the known facts, but we will write to you, only the most effective methods, let us share the secrets that exactly work. And tell you how the medicine has progressed in this matter.
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